- Parylene Conformal Coating Services
- Parylene Removal and Repair
- Parylene Adhesion Testing
- FAI and PPAP Reporting
- Process Qualification
- Process Development
- Surface Preparation
- Substrate Roughening/Micro Blasting
- Plasma Cleaning and Etching
- Substrate Moisture Removal
- SEM services
- FTIR Analysis
- Hydration and Accelerated Aging
- Parylene Process and Equipment Training/Troubleshooting
- Parylene Deposition Equipment Sales
- Parylene Dimer Sales
- On-site Machine Troubleshooting
- Process Consulting

We are proud of our contribution to the
James Webb Space Telescope.
Credit NASA Image and Video Library.
Paratronix® is always willing to consult on design considerations. Please contact our sales department at 617-965-5511.